On June 26, 2015, George Robertson, senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Augusta, Georgia, wrote an essay entitled, “We, and Our Fathers, Have Sinned.” The article was reprinted on August 3, 2015, at the Gospel Coalition. Here’s an excerpt: As white members and leaders of evangelical …
Yada Yada Prayer Group: Chapters Thirty through Forty-One
So, how was that for a plot twist? I've read this book many, many times. Every time, I cry when I read this section. These last eleven chapters are a book, in and of themselves. What are the things that truly matter in this world? When it's all said and done, what is of greatest value? Our …
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Yada Yada Prayer Group: Chapters Twenty-One through Thirty
So, everybody's got a story, right? No matter who they are, where they've been, or how they land in your life, every person you meet has got a story. On top of that, as Avis so wisely shares, "...every story has two sides, maybe more." The chapters we read this week are full of information, …
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Staying Focused, Even When We Disagree
My friend Kristi Atkinson once wrote an article offering "Five Prompts for Praying the News." In that article, the first prompt Kristi suggested, when engaging with news that elicits a strong reaction, is to offer our reaction to God. In other words, when we read or hear a story on the news that …
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The Yada Yada Prayer Group: Chapters Eleven Through Twenty
When we moved to Nebraska from Pennsylvania, I had a really tough time making the transition. My new surroundings threw me for a loop in more ways than one. In my book, I've written in great detail about my transition to this part of the world, so I won't belabor the point here. Just know it was …
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The Yada Yada Prayer Group: Prologue through Chapter Ten
We're already cheating. I originally planned for this book club to read books written by authors from a different culture, race, or ethnicity but, we chose a book written by a white woman. Which is different from me, but maybe not so different from many of you? However...I take solace in the fact …
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