Hey! Look at us, hanging out together in 2016, with all of its hopes and dreams. This one’s going to be a winner! I wanted to be one of the first to greet you, and it makes me smile to know you stopped in to check on me.
I’ve got Pioneer Woman’s Perfect Pot Roast in the oven, awaiting the arrival of some friends later this afternoon. Once you get that roast all seasoned and seared and smothered in some broth, the Pioneer Woman says to put that bad boy in the oven and leave it alone. And, in case you’re wondering, this is how she says it:
And don’t peek and fiddle and frig with it, either. Just find a hobby that will occupy your thoughts and actions for the time it takes for your roast to cook. Needlepointing, scrapbooking, birdwatching, and spelunking are just a few of the many options available.
No needlepoint or spelunking for me. Hanging out here with you is my jam, so here I am. But, I know you are just like me, and you’ve got things to do today, so let me just tell you a few things I’ve got on tap for 2016, that may interest you:
- Don’t forget to purchase your copy of The Yada Yada Prayer Group, Book One, for our Forward Book Club, which begins January 15. I’ve been chatting with the author, and we’re planning some fun surprises for you!
- If you’ve got a few spare moments, spend some time with these 20 Questions for a New Year’s Eve Reflection, by my friend Tsh, over at The Art of Simple. I know New Year’s Eve has come and gone, but these questions stand the test of time. In fact, Tsh posts them every year, on New Year’s Eve. This year, I wrote out the questions and my answers on the very last page of my planner. It will be fun to compare answers when I review the year again, in just about 364 days. Tsh also has a PDF of Goal Setting Questions for the New Year, which I’ll be working on over the long holiday weekend. You can download those questions, here.
- Here’s what you can expect when you stop by this space through the month: First, I’ll tell you about my new planners—how I chose the one(s) I have, why I wanted a planner, and how I’m using it. I will also share my experiences with Stitch Fix and the Trunk Club for Women. These are two different options for getting clothes shipped right to your door. You get to try them on, keep what you want, and return the rest. And, I’ll share an update on the progress I’m making on the writing of Book 2. Finally, my friend Kashoan suggested I write a blog post about my favorite phone apps, so I’ll be adding that info to the mix as well. Of course, I’ll have other, more spontaneous pieces woven throughout, as life and living open my eyes or give me the occasion to reach out for help. I don’t usually have things so thought out, but hey, I bought a planner!
Congratulations to Jo Anne Isom, the winner of the Thank You Grab Bag of Gifts (insert cartwheels and the sound of vuvuzelas here)! Be sure to congratulate Jo Anne if you know her or happen to run into her, somewhere out there on the Internet. I love it when we celebrate with one another, the same way Taraji and Kerry celebrated Viola Davis’ Emmy win last year. Wasn’t that the best thing ever?
But wait! There’s more!
I’ll also be giving away two more copies of that beautiful coloring book included in my Thank You Grab Bag of Gifts! There could only be one Grab Bag winner, but I always feel so bad about not having enough for everyone. So, I was little bit sneaky this time around, and I didn’t tell you that I’ve got two more copies of Whatever is Lovely for two more lucky people! I know, right? Stay tuned for your chance to win. And, in the meantime, have a Happy New Year!
always good to stop by here and see what you are writing about today…..ordered my book – all set for the book club and I just saw another coloring book i need to check out. i keep waiting for one i really want …. Happy New Year.
Bruce and I do Tsh’s questions every year on our own in late December, and then share them with each other on New Year’s Day. It’s become a tradition for us, and it has taught me a great deal as I listen to my husband’s responses.
LOVE the idea of coloring as a part of worship. What a lovely book!
Deidra, after reading this today and clicking through to the pot roast recipe, I realized (after looking it up and triple- and quadruple-checking) that the 18/10 stainless steel dutch oven I’ve had for 21.5 years is ACTUALLY OVEN PROOF. (Duh.) So all those 2+ decades, I could’ve been browning meat and making roast in the same pot but didn’t, because I was afraid of ruining my best pot.
Anyway, chuck roast is on the grocery list! I’m going to spend the next 21.5 years making up for the last 21.5 years of underutilized dutch oven cooking!