Hard to believe it's been a year since Alia Joy snapped this photo on her phone at the end of JumpingTandem: The Retreat. This was the actual, very last moment of the retreat, and this was the very last load of amazing women being driven to the airport, and to home. These women, along with all the …
All The Stories Matter. Especially Yours.
This year, it seems as if everyone is having babies! Book babies, that is. I've been watching friends of mine pant and push and press their way to publishing their stories. I have cheered for them and paced the halls with them. I've cried when the rejections came. I've prayed when all those words …
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On Time Travel and Brand New Things
On New Year's Eve, I sat on the edge of the couch in my basement, staring at 1,000 jigsaw puzzle pieces. On the television, Ryan Seacrest, Jenny McCarthy, and Miley Cyrus counted us into to 2014. "Happy New Year!" I said to my daughter, who shared the couch with me. We are such party …
Controlled Falling (Or, What We Call Walking)
I wish you could come to church with me and hear H preach. Clearly, I'm biased. I think he's one of this generation's great preachers. It's true, he's been called to a specific ministry, and he serves a specific church. The Holy Spirit has uniquely fitted him and his message to meet the needs of …
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"Rest and be thankful." ~William Wordsworth I think Laity Lodge and The High Calling might be two of the best kept secrets in the world of all things writerly, and scholarly, and sacred, and blog-worthy. I have a certain friend who — nearly every time she sees me — asks, "Now, tell me, again about …
Learning Across Generations {and a follow-up from yesterday’s conversation at (in)courage}
Yesterday, at (in)courage, I talked about being the parent of adult children. Research tells us* 59% of 18-29 year-olds raised in church are leaving the church and not looking back. With that in mind, I reasoned there must be more than a few parents of those 18-29 years-olds (the generation dubbed …