Six years ago, I enrolled in a class at a local university. I was looking for the answers to my questions about race and church. Unfortunately, I didn't find the answers I was looking for. The truth is, I was looking in the wrong place. I honestly belive we've made a lot of progress right here, over …
So, About Church…
This whole thing started because, for decades, I've been bugging God with all of the questions I've been sharing here this month. Where IS everybody, God? Are other people wondering the same things I'm wondering? Why doesn't anyone talk about these things? I kept bugging Him, telling Him He should …
Next week, we'll talk about race and church. You know. The fact that the American church still remains divided among racial lines. It's a topic I've wondered about for a very long time. Today, Kendra Tillman introduces the topic with her perspective. (Tomorrow, I'll be at, talking about …
See It. Talk About It.
We writers and bloggers and artists and entrepreneurs are a creative bunch. We use words and paint and business and projects to put people right in the middle of our experience. It's a gift, and I believe it comes from God. You know that feeling when you finish a project and then you stand back …
Where IS Everyone?
When I walk into a new place, I usually do a sweep. It's not something I do consciously. It just happens, and I'm not sure where I learned it. I'm looking for people who look like me. I do it in churches, restaurants, movie theaters, airports, concerts, grocery stores, and sitting at a red light …
Yes. I’m Going There.
In Texas, while I look out the window of the white Suburban, the sky reaches her arms out wide and saunters softly overhead. We drive slow and easy and the road under the wheels whispers stories I can't hear with my ears. I sit in the second row, and in the front seat, Marcus and Shelly speak …