The phone rang every morning before school when I was in the tenth grade. It was always Renee. Her mother named her Temperance. And those of us who love her and know her, call her Rennie. There was a teacher at our school who tried to call her Rennie, too. The key word in that sentence is tried. Some things are not for everyone. But you already knew that, I am sure. You wouldn’t walk up to the President of the United States and call him, POTUS, right?
Rennie was always the person on the other end of the phone which was parked at the end of our upstairs hallway. The phone sat on a small, wooden table at the top of the stairs. Standing there, holding the phone to my ear, my toes sinking into the gray shag carpet, I could look out the window, past our garage rooftop and out across the yard. Or, depending on the morning, I could stretch the long phone cord all the way to the cedar closet in the hallway, and close the door behind me. Some mornings were harder than others.
Every morning before school, the phone rang and, when I answered, there was Renee on the other end, with a bible verse and prayer to get me through the day. She’d say things to me like, “We can do this,” or, “God is going there with us,” or, “Look for me when you get there.” Some days, that phone call was the only thing that got me out the front door and off to school for the day.
These women have my heart. They gave me backbone and they taught me how to survive when the odds are stacked against you. They taught me to stand up for myself and to speak up and out when it’s necessary. They also taught me how you can learn a lot about person by simply listening. If you listen long enough, a person will show you exactly who they are. And, as Maya Angelou told Oprah, “When a person shows you who they are, believe them.” Lisa and Renee were one year ahead of me in high school, and they opened their arms wide when I showed up in the middle of my sophomore year. I can still see them, standing at their lockers in the hallway on my very first day at that school.
On that first day (and for many years after that first day) I was traumatized. I can’t tell you what it’s like to leave one school on a Friday—where you are surrounded by people who look like you and who have known you since elementary school, and who know all the words to Le Freak and who can roller skate backwards—and then on Monday land in a school that looks more like something out of Beverly Hills 90210. I was swimming upstream, all the way. There was no blending in. There was no flying under the radar. There was only holding my head up and making the best of a terrible situation. And then, I rounded a corner, and there were Renee and Lisa. I could practically hear the angels singing overhead!
Eventually, over the years in that school, I figured out how to change the tone of my voice and carry myself and what clothes to wear so that I could fit in. I learned to walk the walk and talk the talk that got me through to graduation and on to college. I understood there would be no dating and there would be too many watermelon jokes to even bother keeping track. I learned that was their problem, not mine. I learned that calling something Christian doesn’t always make it so. I learned that, no matter what we’d like to believe about it, race matters. It did then. It does now. Maybe it won’t always.
Trust me, though. It wasn’t all bad.
After nearly twenty years of trying, last Friday, Lisa, Renee, and I got together for a girls’ weekend in Chicago. We have stayed in touch for all these years. They were both in my wedding. We were in Renee’s wedding. We’ve seen divorce and the loss of parents. We’ve raised children, we’ve built homes, and we have followed our callings. Renee is an artist, musician, and caregiver. Lisa is a college professor, working on her Ph.D. And, you know me.
When we got together in Chicago, we talked out high school and the miracle of our survival. But, Lisa and Renee also sang the praises of Mr. Olsen and his class on Matthew. It changed their lives, they said. And, of course, we have each other. If nothing else, our high school gave us that. And, after Lisa and Renee graduated, I became very good friends with a classmate of mine. Debbie and I went on to be college roommates, and she wrote a song that Renee sang at my wedding. Debbie learned how to do this black girl’s hair, and she was my hair stylist through our freshman year of college, before she transferred to a school in California.
Some of the best friendships are forged in the crucible. At least, that’s been the case for me. As women, our friendships are a lifeline—to sanity, to health, to confidence, to faith. We need each other and, when we are together, we are better because of it.
“So,” H asked me when I called him from the road on my way back home from Chicago yesterday, “what did you guys do?”
“Well,” I answered. “We talked. A lot.” And, that is what we did. But it was more than that. I can’t put the rest of it into words, but I’m guessing you know what I’m talking about. You have friends who know your story and who can trace the golden thread that runs through it. You have friends who can sit in a room together in complete silence and not be the least bit concerned about that. You have friends who ask the questions that matter the most and then give you space for whatever the answer may be.
In Chicago, Lisa, Renee, and I laughed until we thought we might get ourselves in trouble. I thought for sure the hotel manager was going to come and tell us to quiet down. “They probably put you guys on a floor where no one else was around, ” H said. He’s probably right.
We walked all over Chicago, and I ate the most wonderful gelato I’ve had in a very long time. There was deep dish pizza, and there was the Navy Pier, where we lost count of the wedding parties that passed us by. We fell back into our old roles, with Lisa leading us through the streets and me following her with dreamy eyes as I took in the sights, and Renee breaking into song every now and then. We waded out into Lake Michigan and then, we found a bench beneath a tree and across from the ticket booth for Chicago’s Architectural Tours, and we sat there for at least two hours. We sat there and talked and we looked at people and I couldn’t get over how lucky I was to have met these two women. When I look at them, I can still practically hear the angels singing overhead.
Some questions for you: Who are your lifeline friends? Do you have friends from high school, or earlier, with whom you still keep in touch? What friends have gotten you through some of your most difficult experiences in life? What do you think makes women’s friendships different from other kinds of friendships?
This year, Women of Faith could be the perfect opportunity to gather up some of your girlfriends and spend a weekend together. And, since I mentioned Oprah up there, why don’t I go ahead and give away two tickets?!?! Yep. For free. Simply Tweet about this post and giveaway, or share on Facebook, and leave me a message below, telling me where to contact you, should you win. I’ll announce a winner on Friday. Thanks!
Girlfriends are the best! I am blessed with a sister in law who is also my best friend. We met in college and have been there for each other ever since even though we do not live in the same city. Woman friends are intentional in their friendships and work at relationships. It is a beautiful thing! You can find me at [email protected]
Love this, Deidra. My closest girlfriends today aren’t women I grew up with, but I’m grateful for social media that has provided an opportunity for me to reconnect with several friends from the past. I don’t know what I’d do without my friends today – the ones who know my heart, my hurts, my hangups – and love me anyway. xox
It was fun to see your pictures from hanging out here in Chicago since I live in the NW suburbs of Chicago. LOVE Chicago!! If you make it out this way again would love to see you.
Lifelong friends . . . there’s 11 of us. Highschool friends. Some even earlier but the whole group came together in highschool. And we still get together at least once a year. A few I see rather often. One I refer to as “My Hawaii friend” because she came with me on a business trip to Hawaii last year. Hubs couldn’t go since he was . . . well in Afghanistan! Just love all those friends of mine for so many reasons.
So glad you had a wonderful weekend with your friends!
Much love.
I really love hearing about friendships that have sustained people through the years. My friend Debbie and I met in 2nd grade. She moved to another school district in 6th grade, but we have remained friends… for 52 years now. I stopped having contact with my family when I was 25 and so Debbie, also holds the knowledge of who I was as a child, what made me who I am, etc. that no one else in my life really knows. She is my family.
My closest friends are mainly from college, and we have since spread out around the world, yet still remain close. Sure, there are times when months go by without chatting, but when we do it’s like no time has passed at all!
But, my two lifeline friends (one-an hour away & one-a plane ride away) have been there for me through thick and thin. They helped me get through the death of my mother, plus several more sudden deaths in my family, helped me to plan my wedding and reminded me how important it was to still celebrate my wedding without my late mother & relatives present. Together we have been through the loss of parents, infertility, miscarriages, births, birthdays, anniversaries, and every happy and sad moment in between. I don’t know who I would be today without them. We love doing life together!
PS – I shared on FB & Twitter 🙂
I don’t have to ask you if you know how blessed you are in these two women (and they in you) because what you’ve written here proves just how much you do. Thanks for sharing this special friendship, Deidra.
My lifeline friends are those who have stood in the trenches and when I call them , after several mos of not talking, we pick up where we left off! They are definitely the ones who have helped pull me out of ‘ruts’; told me I didn’t have to go home- when I should have, prayed with me, or made sure I was alright, even when they weren’t. I have an elementary friend who I went to school with and we absolutely have loved one another , and every time go through Corona CA, I catch up with her… *(she even had her Dad, who lived in another state go by my mom’s home when she lost track of me for a few yrs)… and when we connect again, she and I are like little girls all over again! My girls have gotten me through a divorce, a transition to a new state and church, and some of the biggest shifts in my life that involved a total overhaul of change! What makes women’s friendships different from other kinds of friendships– is the fact that women get each other, they reach for each other when they feel each other, and they enjoy being women, and empathizing with each other because we know our strength, and we don’t underestimate it. We get who we are, and we embrace it , all in the same! I am at and one of my girlfriends just write about friendship on my blog as my guest blogger! 😉
Beautiful, Deidra. And blessed are you. I have friends from 45 years ago, but really none from high school or college – acquaintances, still, yes. But friends of the heart? Not from those eras. I think maybe it’s because we went overseas for two years and started our family while there. When we came back, everyone I knew from back then was in a very different place, with very different life experiences to ours. So my dearest friends are the ones I have today (many of them online!) and the ones from our home church in Pasadena from 1970 on.
Deidra, I have spent the last 8 days on vacation in California reconnecting with lifeline friends. My two sisters who still live here in So Cal of course have known me the longest 🙂 but I had breakfast just this morning with a girlfriend I have known for almost 50 years–from pre highschool days. We walked the pier here in Huntington and remembered the fun we had….I also cried and prayed with friends my husband and I have known for 35 years–those who share that ‘golden thread’ you mentioned. The greatest bond we found was when we bowed our heads to pray for each other and wept at the gift of life together after all these years through ups and downs, losses and gains, children and grandchildren. When it was all said and done, the greatest gift we had was our Saviour Jesus.
I’m so glad you reconnected with your forever friends…What a great gift for you.
I always think I am weird for maintaining the trend of keep my forever friends forever. Now, after reading this post, I am very, very proud of loving my friends after all these years. I have to say that it is hard to live so far away from Mykal, whom has been my source of laughter when I feel like crying for 33 years (yes, 33 years); I hate being so distant from my friend Toya that has been a real sister of mine for 15 years. I keep my friends, I tell new people that want to connect or with whom I feel a connection. I tell them this in case they want to reconsider or they are afraid I might. But to me, have women friends in my life is a lifeline when everything feels crazy. This weekend, I am attending my 20 year high school class reunion where I already know Mykie and I will laugh and laugh until we cry simply because we need to desperately with so much going on in our lives. I will be sleeping overnight at Toya’s and spending time with my godchildren (her children). They will play with my daughters and life will feel more like what I remember. This is what friendship has to be for me – a lifeline. And I breathe better inside of these friendships; these women are oxygen to my lungs.