Here’s something I learned about myself over these past couple of weeks: I still really like blogging. It’s unfortunate that “blog” is such an unattractive word. It just sort of lands there in the middle of the room, sounding very close to “blob” and that, I fear, doesn’t do it justice at all.
Writing is a solitary practice. I close the door to my office, turn on a little bit of jazzy music, and Santana (the dog) settles in next to my socked but shoeless feet. This is how we spend our days, Santana and me.
I’ve spent a good portion of this year writing words for a book I’m working on—a book which should release next Fall. All that book-writing has kept me away from this space more than I liked. And, I began to wonder if I’d be able to find my way back here. Would I still like it here when I returned?
But I turned in those book words for their first round of editing, and found myself logging in to WordPress once again. Indeed, I found my way back, and I still liked it. Still do.
Last week, I got my edits back from the book people. And tonight, Alexandra will arrive home to celebrate the holidays. The day after Christmas, my parents will join us—their first visit to our new house. So, my plate is full again, and I’ll be stepping away from this space once more, until some time in January, after I’ve worked through those edits, steeped myself in family, and listened to a little more jazzy music.
2015 will be a big year, and I plan to jump in with both feet. There will be just a few speaking engagements and a retreat of my own (hope to see you there!). There will be a book launch and a second book started (if you want to keep up on all the book news, subscribe to this blog, and you’ll automatically be signed up to receive a newsletter with book updates; of particular interest to those of you who a looking forward to being part of the launch teams!).
H and I will go on our one big trip of the year (in 2015, we’re headed to Vancouver, British Columbia, where H will ski and I will cheer for him and eat food and shop and soak and be pampered). And, I’m toying with the idea of attending a retreat or conference just for me, where I will sit in the audience and no one will really know me and I will learn new things about God and me and me and God (is there a disco conference out there, somewhere?).
If you’re following me on social media, thank you! And, if you’re following me there, you know I briefly considered choosing a new word for 2015, and then I forgot what the new word might be. So, I’m sticking with disco as my word. It suits me in so many ways. And, while I may be taking a blogging break, I’ll still be out there on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (are you in those places, too? am I following you there? if not, leave your handle/s in the comments, please?). I’ll be out there, bumbling around, being silly, and trying to share pretty things.
Thanks for showing up here, you guys. You’re the reason I still like blogging. You are thoughtful and gracious and smart and funny and beautiful and creative and fierce. I’m a different person because of what blogging brings to the world and to my life. I hope that different is better than before.
I’ll see you on the flip side of the holidays. God’s grace and peace to you.
Update: Congratulations to Laila, the winner of the bible from Zondervan! And, thanks to everyone for showing up here and offering really great responses to the questions I’ve been asking. I hope you’ll hang around in 2015 and, if you’re a blogger, I highly recommend this read from my friend, Tsh. She’s inspired me to keep being me, and I hope you’ll be inspired to keep being you! Happy New Year!
Photos by Jeanne Damoff, Tim Miller, Sally Haukus (for incourage), Dawn Camp, and me.
yes I do blog. and yes it’s a strange word. wish we could call it something different but it is what it is… I love writing. Not sure if I do it correctly or grammatically accurate. But I write from my heart and what the Lord stirs me to stay. It is a decision to press on and forward. Till “HE’ tells me to stop.
LOVE every one of these photos. And your card!!!! My fave so far – such a great shot. So very glad you’re back to blogging — I love reading whatever you write and will do so whenever it’s posted, here or elsewhere. I enjoy my blog very much, actually, but am not so good at planning. Though I will say that I have loved doing this Advent series this year. It was all done ahead of time and even I have enjoyed reading those small pieces as a daily devo the last month. I think I get your newsletter – I hope so, cuz I’d love to be on the launch team. Merry Christmas, Dee. Enjoy your family.
so i posted, it thought. i’ll try again.
I am looking forward to finding myself again after 15 months of caregiving and other assorted crises, the ocean and sun off North Miami Beach in March and some retreat in May in Nebraska that some cool blogger who is still blogging (whew) has organized a retreat – then driving to Fremont and meeting up woth a next door neighbor or two from the olden days! Most everything else is unknown. I’ll keep blogging…maybe will have more focus to be more intentional – or not! Love to you and yours, [email protected]
I haven’t posted on my blog in over a month and thought I was done with it. One of my goals during the holiday vacation was to go through all my blog posts and combine all the ones into a book for me and my kids to remember my blogging journey. Yes, there were a lot of posts I didn’t keep, but there were also a lot that made me remember what attracted me to blogging in the first place. So maybe I’m not done blogging after all.
I blog because its fun and i love the culture! I blog because its a way to write and dump my daily feelings and emotional steam, and deep thoughts. It’s also a cool way to connect with other introverts and deep thinkers. I’m looking forward to dong my favorite blogging conference in 201 i am not sure which one that is, because i haven’t been to one, yet, but i am planning on it! I don’t really have a strategy, but i do stay with the feel of the season.. it leads me as i decided what to write about! 😉 Thanks for everything you share here, i find it quite interesting.
Deidra, I will read anything you write, whether in book form (can’t wait–I’m waiting for #1, and now there is a #2 in the works! Amazing!), web-log (how’s that for being offical ?!), Facebook, email, or the treasured handwritten note. You’re an exceptional author and deep thinker, so I’m glad you’re back at this. And no matter what, you will write in some form or another–of this I am certain. I think for the past two years, I’ve come to realize that about myself as well–that I will write in some form or another: whether books, emails, letters, note cards, newsletters, or journals. I can’t help but write. It oozes from my fingertips in trickles and floods. I do not have a blog of my own, but in the past year I have had the privilege of guestblogging for kind, generous, and talented authors like you. And some months back, a reader said I was blogging in comments. It was hardly intentional. I just think when I write, and I encourage when I write, and that was my sole purpose in commenting. So you can obviously see that I have no strategy. But why do I write? I answered that best in a post I wrote for Jennifer Dukes Lee. Bottom line is that God has made me to write, and I can’t stop. Blogs? I do pray about the possibilty of my own. I’m just not sure where God is taking me with my writing, but I have FB now, and that has been a delight (much to my surprise). So when you get ready for the book launch, Deidra, pls. put me on the list, because now I have a way to tell about it!
Merry Christmas, Deidra. Keep writing, because I know you can’t stop either! And you do it so gosh-darn well! So there!
Hi, I follow you along here and I can not remember how I started down the path, but here I am. I am so glad that I found you as your writing is always so on time! I also have sent your posts to my sister in love and my mom too.
have a blog that I have neglected since my daughter started high school this fall! I tend to blog when I can now without a plan I might add. I am not so sure about 2015, but I know that God began a work in my heart in 2014 and I want to see it fulfilled. I would love this new bible from Zondervan!
I follow you on twitter and you can find me on twitter @ShonValdry!
Merry Christmas and enjoy your beautiful family!!
I love your words and can’t wait to read your book! I do blog – very sporadically – at least that is how it not this year. I definitely let the blog lead, but I hope to be moving towards a more directed path in the future.
In 2015 I am looking forward to feeling better. I had meningitis in late September/early October and recover is slow. While I am feeling better, I still do not feel like I did before I got sick.
Thank you for being brave and different and bold. I learn a lot from you, Deidra! Thank you!
Thank you so much for all the encouragement, and for being God’s vessel.
I would be so delighted to receive the Zondervan NIV FIRST CENTURY STUDY BIBLE, while I might think of keeping and using it quite often God sends a person with a need and they would then be the recipient of your gift. You may contact me [email protected]
God bless you today and throughout the new year!
Cindy Ryals
Good questions! Blogging for me began because it gave me a place to put all that crazy in my head. I’ve lived emotionally buried in my hometown for many years and blogging has become a way for me to safely start digging out. The last two years have been about writing through some of the minefields but this next year I plan to set several goals and write with more intention. Looking forward to your book, Deirdre.
Good questions indeed. I’ve been blogging for over 4 years now and I think I’ve FINALLY found my stride. It began as a way to share my thoughts about being a single mom raising a son. Now it’s shifted to sharing how I want to be more intentional about my life and family.
I’m looking forward to being healthy in 2015. Physically, mentally and spirituality. Moving from just surviving to thriving. I can be reached via email [email protected]. Thanks for the opportunity to share and learn with you!
I started blogging 5 years ago when I purchased my very first laptop. I’ve always loved to write and thought it would be a fun way to do it and I have also felt God nudging me along the way. But I have to admit that I feel anxiety and sometimes fear every time I press the “post it” button. Over the last 2 years I haven’t written as often as I would like for my blog, but only because of the weekly sermons I prepare, Bible studies I lead, and all of the other responsibilities I have as a new pastor have taken time away. But this year I want to get back to writing on my blog. In fact for 2015 I have chosen the word “time”. And I am going to work very hard at making time to write.
Deidra! I was sick and then celebrating Jesus, and I didn’t make it back to this space. But I missed you! I actually thought about you and meant to log on a thousand times before something else got in my face and demanded to be done. I’m glad you are taking a break. It’s good to have balance in life. I have a blog. I write for the release, and the connections, and the words of Love that God sometimes speaks through me. I’ve recruited a friend, and we are going to your retreat. I’m following the link in just a moment to figure out how to make it official. I’m so excited! You asked what we are looking forward to in 2015 – our family has been looking forward to 2015 since 2012. This is the year our 5-year-old’s cancer treatment is scheduled to end. Praise Jesus, this is the year. We thought it would never come and now it has! If you draw my name for the Bible, please toss it back in the hat. I have a Bible who’s an old friend I love dearly. Happy New Year!