When our first child was born, H wondered how we would buy diapers. We lived in a small, rural community where my husband served a small, sweet congregation. His salary was small, too—like the community and that sweet congregation—and we squeaked in at the end of each month with barely two pennies …
Faithful Leadership
Years ago, a seasoned pastor was faced with a tough decision. This pastor knew whatever choice he made there would be members of his church congregation who disagreed and who would vocally oppose the choice this pastor made. So the pastor prayed, he studied biblical examples, he sought wise counsel, …
Three Guidelines for Living Freely and Lightly
My husband took me to Hawaii for my fiftieth birthday. On the morning I turned fifty, we boarded a plane and headed toward Maui. Ocean breezes, turquoise waters, azure skies, emerald mountains, extravagant sunsets. It was paradise. For the first three days we were there, I marveled at the beauty …
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