Many, many years ago, when our son was a toddler, and our daughter an infant, I remember the underlying theme of my life was exhaustion. Nap time was a gift, and making it through piles of laundry and multiple diaper changes was the order of the day. Managing play dates and grocery shopping kept me …
Because Fear Is A Bully
It snowed every day while we were in Germany. It was snow globe snow. It was light and fine and filled with air. Cold air. Every day, as H and I walked around this city or that, I thought my cheeks were going to freeze into small, round blocks of ice, then slide right down the front of my coat, and …
Separation Anxiety
When 2013 rolled around and everyone was exhaling because the Mayans weren't right, after all, I took a deep breath and rolled up my sleeves because THIS is the year for JumpingTandem: The Retreat! Or, #JTREAT for short. #JTREAT is my dream come true! Wait. Let me correct that. #JTREAT is …
2013: Going There
I know you're all excited about your word for the New Year, the new season of Downton Abbey, Kim and Kanye, the Bachelorette (or is it the Bachelor this time around?), the snow, the taking down of the Christmas tree, the beginning of Ordinary Time, the starting over everywhere. Me? I'm bucking the …