Usually, when I tell people the story of finding out my husband was considering becoming the pastor of a church in Nebraska, I tell whoever happens to be listening at the time that I asked H, "Nebraska? Are there any people in Nebraska?" That's almost the truth. But here's the real story: Nine …
Going There: Made To Feel Inferior
The idea for “Going There” came about as a result of the 31 Days In My Brown Skin series I wrote in October, 2012. (You can read those posts here.) The series generated a lot of valuable dialogue, and when the thirty-one days were over, it felt as if the conversation wasn’t done. So, I invite you to …
Science, Revenge, and George Zimmerman
A few weeks ago, I read a book by David Kinnaman called You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church...And Rethinking Faith. If you're a person, and you know people aged 18 through 30, you should read this book. Kinnaman is the president of the Barna Group, an organization …
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Going There: Jewel
The idea for “Going There” came about as a result of the 31 Days In My Brown Skin series I wrote in October, 2012. (You can read those posts here.) The series generated a lot of valuable dialogue, and when the thirty-one days were over, it felt as if the conversation wasn’t done. So, I invite you to …
The Value In Catching Your Breath
I'm thinking, when The Nester hosts the next 31 Days series, I'll write about our church. Now, don't hold me to it (you do know it's more than four months away, right?), but I realize, with all my talk about multicultural congregations, you don't know much about my church at all. You don't know how …
This Is Me, Caving In Regarding The (Continuing) Race Relations Conversation
Truth: I don't always like writing/talking about the black/white race relations Going There stuff. I imagine you feel the same way about reading it. I feel sometimes like Moses: "Really, God? THAT's what you want me to talk about? Do I have to?" I get all agitated and start squirming in my seat and, …
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