That post I wrote about attending Jubilee got a little bit (okay, a lot) more attention than I expected. I published that thing and my Twitter account starting pinging me, my Facebook page started blinking at me, my voxer app kept buzzing my phone across the kitchen counter, and my email inbox …
Jubilee: Insight From The Next Generation
Sunday morning, at Jubliee, I sat on the floor of a conference room named Butler West. It was the first time, in more than a year, I'd been in a room with that many people who look like me. Khadija Adams was the presenter, her workshop title, The Best of Times the Worst of Times: Life as a Black …
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In The Giving Up
The very first time I went to a particular writer’s retreat, I arrived with my internal arms crossed over my chest and an internal scowl on my face. On the outside, I was all smiles and I'm so happy to meet you. On the inside, I was more than a little bit tired of the whole thing. Back home, my …
A Post For You To Read While I Wait For More Courage
In my head, I want to write a post called, "Uncle Tom, Oreos, and the Confederate Flag," but I haven't been able to muster up enough courage for that one, yet. So, let's consider this post a test balloon of sorts. And, just to be clear, I didn't want to write this one, either. ::: The other …
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Going There: Telling Our Story (Rob Tennant)
My wife and I have three adopted children, but most people looking at our family would never guess. Our oldest, I, adopted from Russia, is as white as we are. It's not a stretch for people to look at him and guess which features are from me and which are from Candy. But the joke is on those who …
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Going There: American and Asian (Dolly Lee)
It was Sunday, and we were on vacation. The beautiful azure Pacific Ocean beckoned us. The sun wore a bright dress. My husband learned the closest church service was at a large hotel’s chapel. Our daughter was not happy about attending church as it reduced her beach playtime. We arrived a few …
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