I should be packing. Tomorrow, I fly to New York City where I will meet up with my children and a few of the truly awesome people I've met through blogging. The internet really is amazing, isn't it? On Friday, I'll be speaking at a Q Focus event called Women and Calling (it's sold out, but you …
Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it—because it does. (I Corinthians 14:1, MSG) ~~~ Welcome to The Sunday Community. Link up with a photo and just a few, brief words of inspiration. Not many words at all. Then, extend a bit of hospitality to the others here. Take some time to …
The Truth About Christian Celebrity, Feeding the Machine, and “My Friend Big Wig”
Sorry to come back from one month away with all these words. And, with these particular words: People often ask me what I do. "I'm a writer," I tell them. "Really?" they ask. And then, "What do you write?" "I write about faith, and about race in the American church. Stuff like …
Don’t imagine us leaders to be something we aren’t. We are servants of Christ, not his masters. We are guides into God’s most sublime secrets, not security guards posted to protect them. The requirements for a good guide are reliability and accurate knowledge. It matters very little to me what you …
31 Days Off
God doesn't deal with me in great big plans, with step-by-step instructions and excel spreadsheets filled out and color-coded. He's aware all of that advance planning would freak me out. I'd be over the edge with anxiety at the prospect of having to do too much preparation, or make big …
Controlled Falling (Or, What We Call Walking)
I wish you could come to church with me and hear H preach. Clearly, I'm biased. I think he's one of this generation's great preachers. It's true, he's been called to a specific ministry, and he serves a specific church. The Holy Spirit has uniquely fitted him and his message to meet the needs of …
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