The world is loud, right now. Shouting. Shouting. Shouting. “Give me space!” “A little elbow room, please!” “Hear me! Hear me! Hear me!” Have we split our collective brain down the center? How else can we explain this wandering through a schizophrenic jumble of holiday greetings and fabulous cats on wheels and cardboard coffins laid in a row?
It is chaos, we hear ourselves whisper between practiced lines of “Our Father, who art in heaven,” and “. . . He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies . . .” and “Now I lay me down to sleep.”
Chaos jolts us from our sleep and that is good, very good, because the world needs us awake. We have this treasure in earthen vessels and we need to be awake. They are watching us, and we wander dangerously close to offering nothing but the same old same old when what we really have to give—if we could just press through—is Light.
Read the rest, over at incourage.