I couldn’t hang, y’all. I missed the dance party. I know! I would have been in this picture if I wasn’t in my hotel room, knocked out in my bed.
Suffice it to say, Allume was a beautiful experience. I’m giving Logan a standing ovation. Girlfriend has become a trusted friend over the past few years as she has taken seriously the challenge to broaden the reach of Christian conferences. I can’t tell her story, but I can talk about the fruit of her labor. The keynote talks are available to listen to now and, as Logan stated on Facebook: “I’d encourage you to watch them in order as the Lord used each message to lead into the next! Enjoy friends… So many great words spoken!”
I’ve watched as Logan has done the hard work of expanding her circle of friends and her sphere of influence. I’ve listened to her share her journey and ask questions that felt awkward to her, over voxer and on the phone. She has not shrunk under the calling given to her to build bridges and tear down walls that divide us. Instead, she has grown by leaps and bounds. The Allume Conference is the direct beneficiary of Logan’s faithful work and sincere desire to reach across the divide.
It’s one thing to invite people of color to participate in a conference. But, Logan and her team didn’t simply try to add a few punches of color to the lineup. Logan went beyond a gesture or a nod in the right direction. She led by example and she kicked off the event with a keynote about her journey toward more diverse friendships. Her sincerity was extraordinary. When the majority culture speaks up, and when they join the work of building bridges, it has an impact that reaches into places people of color can’t.
It’s time, y’all. This is the time we’ve been given. This is the calling we’re gifted with. These are the people and these are the places God is expecting us to infuse with love and hope and joy and laugher. We are together people. We’re better that way. No walls. No divisions. We look better to the world when we figure out how to get across the divides and tear down the walls.
The first step might feel intimidating, but it’s not as awkward as you might be thinking. Take the step and then be astounded by the magnificent ways you see God meet you there. He’s waiting for you. We’re waiting for you. Not sure what the first step is for you? Here are a few places to visit today, to help expand your view, just a tiny bit:
- How to Nurture a Cross-Cultural Friendship
- Allume Keynote Videos
- The Yada Yada Prayer Group, Book One
- A Prayer for the Hard Work of This World
Questions for you: Were you at Allume this year? If so, how would you describe your experience? What scares you the most about beginning a friendship with someone who doesn’t look like you?
Deidra, you and I talked in the hallway between the ladies room and the elevators and I am grateful for our talk. Sitting in your breakout session gave me a better insight of “what do I do?” I adored the Yada Sisterhood books – read every one of them years ago. (3 John 4 let’s share this scripture!)
I remember!!! It was great to meet you, if only for a moment. If you ever get a chance to listen to those Yada Yada books on audio, I highly recommend it! Thanks for being part of my breakout session. That was such a great group!
On audio? Never thought of that! Next girl’s road trip! Thanks for the suggestion! xo
Feeling today as if my leaning curve is nearly vertical, but I’ll be reading and listening — to the videos and to God.
I’d love to know your thoughts, Michele! Were you at Allume?