My natural inclination is to turn my back on the wilderness. I’d rather have a thriving and growing and successful ministry, children who behave well in public, a model marriage, a body free from illness, a world immune from death. And, to be sure, God is making all things new. But for now, we live in the space between what is and what will be.
When your child chooses the rocky path, your business folds, your marriage deteriorates, your loved one leaves this earth too soon and too tragically, your month lasts longer than your money, your prognosis is bleak, your church splits, your faith crumbles, and your heart grows faint within you, it’s so easy to wish for something other than the wilderness that seems to stretch out for endless miles before you.
But, darn it, the wilderness shapes us.
Are you experiencing your very own wilderness? Join me for a little bit of good news.
I just bought your book I opened it to The Gospel needs to be lived and I have been led to ask you to please look at my blog, please! PLEASE 🙂
The post about my dream the woman who gets up is an african american and the conversation I had with her and what you have in this chapter is crazy! I was led to your book by Ann Voscamp’s blog and what she posted went along with the movie I had just watched Tomorrowland so I bought your book because I relate to thinking I don’t make a difference. I have had a major experience which I wrote about on my blog after the dream, I am living the intimate relationship with Jesus that you spoke of, I have actually told Him, I am married to You! I am deep in love right now, it’s awesome!
Oh and also today I wrote a post Living The Fairy Tale and you say living the Gospel is not a fairy tale, I am stunned today! I hope you read that post and I hope I wrote it well enough that people get what I mean. Also, you said that the Gospel is more than enough. I have had a phrase on my mind from Mary Poppins- Enough is as good as a feast. Then you talk about worship and I did a post on that too, I can’t believe this I am excited! I hope you will be too. Sorry, but I am just bursting 🙂