Two weekends ago, when I was at the beach with all the lovely ladies from (in)courage, I told Holley and Lisa-Jo, “I still have time to cancel. I could just forget the whole thing.” They both laughed at me, and neither one of them said, “Yeah, I think you should rethink this. You still have an out. You can just forget the whole thing.”
The truth is, I can’t back out. Not now. Not two weekends ago. Because this dream won’t let me go. So, I hyperventilated, I jumped up from my seat and jogged around the living room, I sat back down on the edge of my seat and bounced my knees up and down, I prayed, I held my breath, and I hit “Publish.” And then I squeaked out a tiny scream (because everyone else in the house was sleeping), and I put myself to bed.
A few hours later, I got up again and peeked at the comments you left for me, and the comments over here, and the comments over here. It was if God was saying to me, “See? This is why I want this,” and I finally exhaled.
It’s going to be good. The retreat will be good. Because God is good. He is the giver of dreams and the greatest cheerleader ever.
So today, I’m just breathing. And I’m sitting still. Because that’s how I roll the day after a bunch of excitement comes my way. I’m an introvert, you know. Seriously. I am. I need to be by myself so I can recharge. I can spend an entire day sitting on the couch, looking out the picture window, holding a cup of tea.
Which reminds me!
Lisa and her husband were away on vacation when Francis was called back to the church. He insisted Lisa stay and enjoy the hotel and the vacation they had planned together.
While Lisa was there, she realized anew the importance of taking time to breathe and to be still, so that we can hear from God.
My fancy coffee mug is from DaySpring. And also? I totally forgot to tell you yesterday I was over at (in)courage, talking about forgiveness. It’s not too late to click over and join me there. Spend some time reading the comments, too.
So, tell me: Are you an extrovert, or an introvert? How do you recover from a day of excitement?