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Grace for Me
“There is a long history of asking African-Americans to endure racism silently; it’s characterized as grace, as strength.” @lesellele (on Twitter). The grace thing is being over- and mis- used. When I worked at EVEREVE (the most racist and abusive work environment I’ve ever experienced), the leadership there kept asking me to be gracious. Melanie Koup (Chief of Stores), Megan Callan (Regional Director), and Megan Tamte (co-CEO) repeatedly placed the grace and patience request on the table. Once, after a customer hit me in the face and knocked my glasses off my body and onto the floor, I reported it…
Shame as Dishonor
A reader posted the following in the comments of my IG post, in response to my last essay. I promised the reader a response, and I thought this would be the best place for it. I’m sure others are thinking/feeling some of what this reader expressed. So, this response is for all of that. All of you: Dear Reader, I appreciate your comments. I’ll respond to them here and am open to more dialogue with you and others around these issues. First, I know you don’t know me, but I hope you don’t hesitate to comment in the future. I…